June 5, 2011

Youth and Young Manhood; AKA "Can we build it? Maybe not."

So, I bought some tools yesterday. Nothing fancy. A hammer, a screwdriver with a 10 heads. A tape measurer. Utility knife. Just the basics.

But I think that's something I'm excited about, as far as being a man goes. When I'm off and have a family and whatnot. I will have tools. That's a sign, to me, of manhood. Especially in the church, it's like, you're always going to houses for service projects or fixing stuff up or whatever. You just need a hammer. Maybe a saw. Some of that business.

My work at Lowe's often reminds me of my desire to build houses. Basically I'm dealing with people who are building houses all day. I want to say, "Take me home with you! Teach me!" But that would be inappropriate. And awkward. And may get me fired.

I think there's a stigma against doing something like that. If I decided to be a builder, or do something with my hands as my profession, people would say, "What a waste." My sister, who's an English teacher, has been told on several occasions, "Oh, you're far too smart to be a teacher." It infuriates her, because it's like, that attitude is a lot of what's wrong with our education system. Stupid, poorly paid teachers often create stupid, uncaring students. Brilliant, inspiring teachers do the opposite. But we're moving away from my point.

I would like to build houses. My house, in particular. And it's a pretty handy skill. I mean, when it all goes down, and all things pass away, and there are no more banks or court houses or microbiology laboratories, a lot of people will be sitting around twiddling their thumbs (probably not a doctrinally sound assessment, but oh well). I think there will still be a need for people who know how to build buildings. Doctors and construction workers will be busy, people like my dad will be pretty bored. Even during the Millennial reign of Christ, if you want to get all deep, I think people will still be building. I mean, I don't think we'll all just sit on the grass all day and sleep under the stars. I don't think we'll just pray our houses either.

But. That's all moot. I'm going to go off to college and learn about something and then go do that something for my job. I'll probably talk a lot, and think a lot. And the hammer I bought yesterday will gather dust in my garage.

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