June 17, 2011

El sacapuntas es muy trabajador

I'm happy pretty often these days. Not all the time. But oftener than in days gone past. Basically, two people are to blame. Sarah and the spirit. You would think that they would make me different kinds of happy, but I've found that that's not necessarily the case. And sometimes they like, double-team me with happiness-making. That's a formidable combination, let me tell you.

That's about all I think I have to say about that.

We're getting our house ready to sell, which is a big pain in the face. I also have to move upstairs to my old room for a month, which is a pain in my soul. My entire life is down here. All my schedules and routines. Everything will be different upstairs. I will to wear clothes to and from the shower, for instance. Yeah. That's a big one. Also, it's just like, near everyone. Ugh.

I think I blogged once about how I need my solitude. I need my alone time, and my silence. That's why I like waking up before anyone else. But upstairs, it's different. My parents sleep like, not so far away. And they walk around. Ugh. I shall never be alone. No peace to be found.

But. I will survive, most likely. And it may be good practice for my mission, where you are never alone, ever. Unless you are in the bathroom. Granted, I  know that that's very inspired, for like, a bajillion reasons. But it will still be excruciating for me. Especially if I get like, some weirdo companion. Which I undoubtedly will. But, I'll digress.

Father's day is Sunday. So there's that.

Lowe's is still pretty lame. I guess I have some 'friends' there. Which is weird. No one in my department, but a few cashiers. Obviously. Because I still don't know how to deal with men. Everything I say I'm like, "Wait, is this something another guy would say?" And I stress, and assume that they think I'm weird. Which, actually, they probably do. But with women, there's none of that. I'm just like, "Blah blah blah, I'm hilarious, and charming" and then they're like "Laugh laugh laugh, you're awesome." And all is well. Of course, the problem with this philosophy is that I don't discriminate. I am nice and funny and charming to attractive and unattractive girls alike. With attractive ones, they're used to it, and they understand it's just how I am, and we can be friends. But less attractive girls, who have no experience with men being nice to them, are like, "OMG, he wants to date/kiss/marry-for-time-and-all-eternity me. And then it puts me in an awkward situation. And I'm like, "Why must you punish me for being nice to the fat girl?" That's not true, they're not all fat. Some just have nasally voices, or other such abnormalities. The point is, is I'm not interested. I just charm, everywhere I go.

I have no idea where all of that came from. Sorry if it sounded mean, or conceited. It's not. I'm just saying. These things do happen. (Every time I say that, I hear Madam Carlotta in my head: "And until you a stoppa these things from a happening, thees thing, does not happen!"). Good flick.

Yes. Yes. These are the things on the mind of Edwardo of late.

Also. Family time for the next few weeks. I am excited to spend some time with my wee niece and nephews. Should be good.

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