May 27, 2011

Prolific Panda

So, I work at Lowe's now. Which isn't bad. Good, actually, on most days. I sell people a lot of wood and concrete and sheetrock. And roofing.

It gets kind of lame sometimes. But, it's work, so that is to be expected.

The music situation at Lowe's is pretty weird. Far more Gwen Stafani than you would expect outside of a Japanese sweatshop. That's a generalization, since I don't even know if they like Gwen Stafani over there. Perhaps I should give them more credit. But, you know, "Harajuku girls". They also play a lot of weird 80's stuff.

There's this song I really like. And it comes onto the radio every once in a while. It's the "Girl, put yo records oooon, tell me your favorite soooong" one. I like it a lot. And it's not available on iTunes. So. That sucks.

The quality of people who work at Lowe's isn't very high. Mostly they're not very good people. Some are just like, crap human beings. Others just get drunk all the time and have sex with as many people as possible, but are still, like, "nice". Which I think counts for a lot. I mean, someone who never grew up knowing that stuff like that maybe isn't the best idea, can't really be expected to know. But they can still do the best they can with what they have. Other people just like, thrive on making trouble for other people and causing pain and making fun of people.

We just hired like 40 Serbians yesterday. One who works near my department is pretty cool. He's a dude, but there's a lot of women, who are cute and European and have awesome accents. I mentioned it to this guy and he was like, "yeah, I was actually surprised." But, he said he thinks that they are "free". I don't know if that means they're single, or just excessively promiscuous. Or both. They are Europeans I suppose.

It's funny how certain stereotypes are true. I dated a European girl for a while back in high school, and I've hung out with this guy a decent amount. Neither of them smelled very good. I mean, he smells worse, because he's a boy, and works at Lowe's. But with Anne I'd be like, hanging out with her, and I'd just be like, "This... is not pleasant." Then again, I had no such experience with the German girls I knew. So maybe it's on a country-by-country basis.

I'm like, semi-dating this girl. We don't really know what to call it. Due to the mish, and other circumstances, we don't really want to be like, "bam, 'dating'". That was excessive punctuation. But, yeah, we don't really have a good word for it. In the beginning we were still calling it a 'friendship', which was just not appropriate at all. So we looked up some synonyms. The one we've settled on is "like-minded". We are in a state of like-mindedness. Which basically means that we really really really really like each other. Which is good. Good indeed.

I really like her. Dunno if I got that one across.

That song is stuck in my head now, the one that's not on iTunes. I think they have some like Kidz Bop or other cover version on there. Not the same. I remember one time I bought a Kidz Bop CD, because I didn't really understand the concept behind it. I was like, "Oh, these are all really good songs, I'm glad that they collected them onto one CD for kidz like me." And then I played it and it was like, "Oh, these are actually sung by kidz, not the people who actually know how to sing them." It was like, taking something good, and then just making it suck. And selling it. To kidz.

In case you didn't notice, at's 4 in the morning. 3:50. I worked a 15 hour shift Wednesday night, then came home and slept for 2 hours, then went back for another 8 hour shift. Since I was then so tired, I thought, "I won't take a sleeping pill, because I'm just naturally exhausted and will probably sleep for more than 8 hours anyways." Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. Because my need for sleep has no correlation to my ability to partake of it. So here I am, in the early hours.

I haven't written anything lately. It's funny, if someone like really pressed me hard enough to ask "what I do", I'd probably say that I was a writer. But, I'm not, really, since I don't write, ever. I'm a thinker. Which is alright, I guess. I often have good ideas for stuff, which I type into a 'note' on my iPhone, and then forget about. I'll post a couple here, though they will probably make no sense.

No, never mind. Just went and looked at them. They're dumb.

I'm rambling, a bit. Mayhaps I should try to get some more sleep. I have today off, though. My not-girlfriend can't go on an awesome hike with me anymore, so I think my dad wants me to hang out with him. Since my mom is in Utah, we've been a couple of lame bachelor's. And I worked nights every day this week, so I just realized he's probably just come home and watched NCIS and ate honey bunches of oats by himself like a sad panda. Me and my dad are a lot alike. But who knows, maybe he just like, made a ton of crazy-big business deals instead. In which case, we would be less alike. But I bet it was NCIS. The point is, I should probably hang out with him, because he's probably a lonely panda. Man. you can pretty much put "panda" after any word and it becomes hilarious.

"You look like a tired panda today."
"I ate like a hungry panda."
"You're like a boy-panda, that likes other boy pandas. A gay panda."

Oh man. I'm done.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. for someone who complains about my long blogs, you sure do write a lot.
