January 15, 2011

*Spoiler Alert* We live happily ever after

Today was not a great day for me by most people's standards. I left the house once, to go to a job interview for a job I didn't want and to withdraw 55 of my last 90 dollars for the month to buy a textbook. The only people I spoke to were a couple of my roommates, for probably 5 minutes tops, and like 3 texts to a girl I don't really like.

Needless to say, when 6:00 rolled around, I looked a little like this:

No, not snuggly. Sad.

(On an unrelated note, while I was searching for that picture I came across this.)

So, I thought, you know what every sad panda deserves? Something unhealthy, to make him feel sad tomorrow as well. So, I set off for Taco Bell.

Halfway there I though, "No, Ed. Be strong. Taco Bell will not bring you joy and friendship. It will only bring you sadness and food poisoning.

So I resolved to just walk, and see where the wind blew me.

And, 15 minutes later, I reached the outskirts of Rexburg. I forgot that this town will do anything in its power to crush spontaneity.

Thoroughly disillusioned with the world, I started to trudge home. (Ten minutes later- there are no good 'trudge' pictures out there).

Long story short- I went to Subway. And that, my friends, has made all the difference.

Afterwards, I looked like this:

No. I did not bite into my delicious 6 inch turkey on wheat and find a golden ticket, (thank goodness).

Instead, I saw her.

Yes, confession time. I have a crush on a Subway girl. It's an expensive habit, but well worth the effort.

You see, I don't know her schedule (we haven't reached that point in our relationship yet). So, I'm forced to go to Subway pretty much every day, whether she's working or not. This leads to a lot of disappointment (and $4.24 charges on my credit card).

But, tonight she was. So all is well in the world.

You might say to yourself "*something rude*" but you would be wrong. One day, just by chance, I'll be standing behind her in a line somewhere, and I'll say "*words of exceeding cleverness*" and she'll turn around and smile and WE'LL BE MARRIED ON TOP OF A MOUNTAIN.

You're all invited.




  2. I'm there. And you have a panda problem.
