January 13, 2011

Things I've decided

To learn Arabic. Or at least attempt to gain some basic understanding of it. There's a thing called "wikiversity" which is like a wikipedia university thing. They have lots of lessons on stuff. It's cool.

That Clive Staples Lewis is a genius. Seriously. Best book on religion I've ever read. He's funny, logical, passionate, and just plain brilliant. He was also an atheist for like 30 or 40 years, so his description and reasoning behind finally converting is really interesting. Again, it was the logic that got him.

Believe it or not since I stopped taking math at the end of my junior year I have not gained any sort of proficience in it. Apparently cheating your way to a D+ for 3 years doesn't qualify you for college math.

Not only did I not learn math in high school, I also didn't learn study skills or critical reading skills. I read a page in a textbook and then I realize that I don't know anything I just read. It's frustrating. Also, textbooks are incredibly boring. They make me want to die.

Finally, Moleskine notebooks really are great. I actually refuse to write in anything else that I plan on keeping permanently. It just feels good to write in them.

That wasn't a very good 'finally'.

Finally- ink is far too expensive. Everything is far too expensive, actually, when you're poor. So that sucks.

Also- click on the link and watch the video full screen. Trust me.

ANGELS & AIRWAVES "LOVE" MOVIE TRAILER #3 from Angels and Airwaves on Vimeo.

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