May 10, 2011


So. Here's the gist of it.

I work at Lowe's now. In the lumber/building materials department. It's alright. I basically just help people find the wood or sheetrock or roofing or concrete that they want. Then I help them load it on their cart, and then I help them put it in their truck. And when things get low, we 'downstock' and bring the stuff that's way up top, or out in the yard, and put it in the 'retail space' where people can actually buy it. That's pretty much my job, right there. Sometimes I cut wood for people, on our ginormo saw in the back.

Like I said. It's alright.

I put in my mission papers this week, so that's cool. In a couple of weeks I should get my call. Woo.

I started reading this really good book. Life of Pi. But, I kind of suck at reading, so I stopped. Shame.

I ate a lot of froot loops this week.

I've run out of updates, which is really depressing. But that's my life. Lowe's, froot loops, not reading Life of Pi.


1 comment:

  1. about time for a post! I'm envious you get to use the massive saw.
