March 14, 2011


I spent way too much money in Portland this weekend. Like, 900 bucks. Crap. But it was a good time nonetheless.

My sophomore year in Geo/Trig, me and Karlie Ellingson were like, "Man, it would be so cool to be ambidextrous. Maybe we should make ourselves learn to write with our other hand." (I was right, she was left). We did it for about 30 minutes.

However, today I decided that I'm going to take a risk. I'm going to ambidextrize myself. For the next month, I will not write with my write hand. At all, unless I forget. You might say, "But what about your signature? Surely such a fine, handcrafted (ha!) piece of art as that can't be imitated with your left hand." Fear not, my signature is a quarter inch scribble, followed by a giant squiggly line. Unless I'm signing it electronically, then it's just like one line randomly somewhere on the pad.

But anyways, with any luck, I will soon be ambidextrous, which will be awesome. Maybe I'll wear an eyepatch on my good eye, too, so that my entire body will be symmetrical.
Probably not.

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