June 7, 2010


Everybody has their perfect job. Guidance counselor's sometimes say: "If money wasn't an issue, what job would you see yourself doing." Then, of course, that's the job you should take. That works really great if you have a burning desire to practice corporate law, but not so good if you get your kicks by cleaning up horse poop all day.

Some people have just one dream job. A friend of mine who has recently become a 'follower' on here, (and thus deserves a shout-out), has the dream of being a mattress tester. I wish him luck in this endeavor, and will be greatly impressed if he can make a career out of it.

Myself, I have two dreams, and luckily they are not mutually exclusive. For a long time I have wanted to be a teacher. In recent years I have settled on becoming a high school English teacher, because I've had enough experience in the field to know what a difference a not-shitty teacher can make.

In recent years, or year, I've also decided that I want to carpent. I want to build my own house someday. I just think it would be pretty cool to go home at night, stand in my driveway, look at my house, and think, "That was me."

I think both of these dreams have to do with leaving a mark on the world, with doing something real, and tangible. Creating something that will last. An education does that, obviously, by changing the youth of the future. Not just by teaching them what a badass Shakespeare was, but by changing the kind of people they'll turn out to be.

On the other hand, there's something to be said for a real-life building. Something you can walk around in, have babies in, buy insurance for.

Of course, the best laid plans...

We'll see what happens.

June 4, 2010


Song of the week: "Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy.

News article of the week: This.

That is all.